Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I've finally gotten my Class 2!

I've finally gotten my Class 2! I remembered way back in 2006, I sat on my friend's Fazer 1000 and told myself... "I'm not gonna be just a poser on the bike. One day, I'm gonna be able to ride a Class 2 on my own and get the license!"

This is the photo of me in 2006 sitting on my friend's Fazer 1000 dreaming of riding a Class 2 bike someday...

I took my time... completed my license every year dutifully...
2007 - Class 2B
2008 - Class 2A
2009 - Class 2

It wasn't easy for me to get my Class 2 license like the others. I struggled quite a bit with the hydraulic clutch on the CB750. The clutch was harder to depress and it made my left hand very tired. As a result, it affected my timing on the plank as well as the bumpy course.

Nevertheless, after 2 tries at the test, I was so happy that I could finally obtain the Class 2 license! Now, I can dream about owning my next Class 2 bike! I wonder... what bike should I get next? Umm... That's for you to guess!

This whole bike learning experience reminded me that if I set my mind on something, I will achieve it!


Chris said...

yahooo!! congrats on the license... world of bikes await you!

s4dreamer said...

ha ha ha! Thanks! Now i'm really searching for a good bike! And yes, what a wonderful world of bikes!

gohjohan said...

Congratulations on passing your license, especially waiting for the long booking period

Anonymous said...


-Orange Cat