The game plan for the trip was to go to A Fomosa's Microlight & Sports Centre to play a paintball war, visit the Animal World or Water World and also to eat the can't-get-in-Singapore A&W!
We kick started the tour with a morning briefing by Zamani & Racingter (Richard). We used GP Petronas as the briefing point.

After about 2 1/2 hours of riding, we arrived at A Famosa's Microlight & Sports Centre. Ah... let the paintball games begin! Eh... wait a minute... Most of us haven't tried paintball before, so we were briefed by a paintball instructor and of course our coordinators, Zamani and Racingter!

At last, the battle is on! And I'm geared for the kill!!! (looking like a terrorist... Aiyoh...)

I'm aiming at my target! Shoot!

It was a really fun experience! But, quite a painful one... I've gotten 2 blue-black bruises from it!
Everyone was feeling very delightful playing the game!
After that, everyone was given a choice of going to either the Animal World or the Water World. Oh well, for me... the choice was easy. I chose the Animal World because I didn't bring any clothes that will prepare for water splashes!
There was nothing much. Just the regular animals you can see at the Singapore Zoo... So I had nothing to take with... A camel is better than nothing...

We ended the trip with a hearty meal at Ayer Keroh A&W and everyone parted from there.
This was a trip to be remembered - be it good or bad. The good part was all the fun and jamboree with the rest of the convoy.
The bad part was the unexpected fall on North-South Highway along Pagoh. I was travelling at a normal speed of 130km/h. The road that I was travelling was flat, straight and clean, yet my bike tank slap suddenly. It was beyond control. I tried to balance the bike for about 5 seconds before I decided to jump off the bike and let the bike row to a halt.
During that moment, all I focused was to roll my body as tightly as possible to minimize the chance of a fracture. It was only after i was around the road shoulder, a lot of things flooded through my mind. I was afraid that I'll not see my family and my special one again. I prayed to God and gave thanks that He protected my life.
I was very impressed and thankful that I was travelling with a wonderful convoy. They were so ready to help me out, be it the bike or me.
I am very thankful to David for helping to escort Zhehong and I to NUH & opening up roads for Zhehong to change lane safely.
I am very thankful for all the riders who had endured the arduous distances in riding my bike from Pagoh to S'pore. If not for you guys, my bike would have been stranded in Pagoh.
I am very thankful for Wai Kiong for having a part in riding my bike back to S'pore & visiting me at the NUH A&E department. Also, for coming all the way to HKL this afternoon to pass me my keys!
I am very thankful for Simon Soh & Richard for coordinating the 'damage control'.
Last but not lest, thanks to Zamani and Richard for organizing this wonderful trip!
I went to NUH A&E department to seek medical help. I am very thankful that I was wearing a full face helmet, armoured jacket and gloves. The full face helmet protected my chin, the armoured jacket protected my elbows and the gloves protected my hands.
It's just that I didn't have an armoured pants. Otherwise, I would have walked out of the incident unscathed. Alas, it wasn't so...
Now, I ended up with a very deep cut in my left knee which will require some time before it's completely healed. Fortunately, there wasn't any broken bones or torn ligaments... although my ligaments were showing... It freaked out some of them in the convoy. It was a sight to behold (not in a good way, you know...).
From this experience, I learnt the true value in investing in good riding gears especially armoured touring pants! And also... I've learnt how to anticipate wind directions when travelling on M'sia roads. Most importantly, I finally understood the true biker spirit - always there to help other biker! I've matured as a rider and have gained another feather to my hat!
Now, my wounds are kind of settled. It's time to settle my Sky... I think he needs plastic surgery!
That, was the the most somber ride i ever made in my riding short career. Have a speedy recovery Debs :)
Hey hey dreamer...
Hope u will recover soon, will see u on the road soon....
Bike can repair, need help can call me.... take my number from anywhere in the forums or email me, my email in forums :)
Also hope that u will be able to go further and further in riding...
it was a good thing u were wearing proper riding gear, minus the armoured pants, else it cud have been worse.
i tink i need to invest in armoured touring pants oso. ;)
My coach used to say, “Playing hurt is a sure way to end your career”.
I sincerely hope that you would take your time to rest and recover adequately before you continue your adventures on the bike. Knowing how “aggressive” you are about living, I pray that you know when it is time to recuperate and when to press on with all your might.
Personally I feel that making mistakes in life is only useful when you get to learn from it.
Now at least I can remove 2 bandages already!
But of course, the main one (the left knee) still like "mummy"!
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