"Unforgettable"... This best describes the anniversary! You will know in due course...
Time flies! Zhehong and I have been together for a year now!
We went to Mount Faber on Valentine's Day, but all the more swanky restaurants were fully booked! We told ourselves... "never mind, we'll try the restaurant over there on our 1st year anniversary".
We went to the Empress Jade restaurant for some Chinese food on Saturday (27th May 2009), which was our 1st year anniversary. The setting was quite nice and cosy! And yes, it's quite high-class.

The food... I think it was not worth its pricing. It's almost like Crystal Jade-standard. So, we won't go there for the second time.
Nevertheless, we enjoyed ourselves!

It's all that stupid **** fault!I'm sure this caught your attention, right? **** stands for BIKE! What are you thinking???
Anyway, what happened was that Zhehong rode to my place to pick me up so that we can ride together to Mount Faber.
When we left my place's carpark, I made a left turn and Zhehong made a right. I saw that the left was clear, that's why I turn left instead. But I can't blame Zhehong... normally we make a right turn from my place. Actually, both turns can lead us out to City!
I proceeded towards AYE (City) and I realized that Zhehong wasn't behind. So, I pulled over and called him. He stopped somewhere and told me that his bike just wouldn't start! I asked him where he was and rode to find him.
When I reached there, his bike just refuses to start! What an anniversary to remember! Fizzy threw a spat yet again! In
Gua Musang, in
Bangkok, and now! 3rd time!
I decided there and then! We shall take my Super 4 out for the outing! So, Zhehong left Fizzy at the carpark and he pillioned me on my bike!
After we came back to the carpark, I had to help him to push-start his bike! And it could start!! Ah... And off he went home!
Next day, on a Sunday, Zhehong went to HKL and let the mechs see what was wrong with his bike. It turned out that his battery died on him...
What an anniversary! It's a truly unique experience!
Nevertheless, this bike has brought him places!
Unforgettable - Nat King Cole